Referendum on citizenship

Madam, - I welcome the report ( The Irish Times, May 12th) that the Fine Gael party is to support a yes vote in the citizenship…

Madam, - I welcome the report (The Irish Times, May 12th) that the Fine Gael party is to support a yes vote in the citizenship referendum.

However, Enda Kenny's comments that Fine Gael will not campaign in the referendum, as it is a "sensitive issue", are surely surprising for a political party.

This referendum is about whether we secure the integrity of Irish (and EU) citizenship, by bringing our laws into line with those of other EU countries, and prevent future abuse by tightening the current rules in relation to the children of non-national parents.

It is an important political issue that deserves debate. For Mr Kenny to suggest it is so sensitive that he and his party cannot possibly campaign on it is to pander to the cranks and despots who would like to turn it into a race debate. - Yours etc.,


PAULA POWER, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.