Referendum on the Lisbon Treaty

Madam, – Recently, along with other commercial literature, I received from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) a leaflet…

Madam, – Recently, along with other commercial literature, I received from the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) a leaflet entitled The Lisbon Treaty 2009.

I had understood that the Referendum Commission was the official source of unbiased information on the Lisbon Treaty Referendum and that the McKenna judgement precluded the Government from spending taxpayers’ money promoting one side of the argument.

The DFA leaflet, while it does not say vote Yes, is in my opinion biased towards the Yes side.

When I telephoned the DFA to complain, I was told that research had shown that voters did not have enough information before Lisbon I. I was given no answer as to why the DFA was duplicating the work of the Referendum Commission. The official I spoke to said that 1.9 million leaflets were produced at a cost of €154,747.89 for printing and distribution.


Perhaps a reader could explain to me how at this time of financial crisis, the DFA is justified in spending this money. – Yours, etc,


Moyne Road,


Dublin 6.

Madam, — Garret FitzGerald clearly expounds the vision, development and changes required for the future of the European Union (September 12th). It is such a positive argument and a refreshing contrast to the negative, nitpicking sniping of the No factions from left and right.

Sad though their arguments may be, I am concerned that the No side seem to have the better slogan writers for their posters. While their messages are mostly misleading or downright lies, they do appeal to the emotions of fear and alarm. The Yes posters are bland and do not engage with the issues that concern the public.

There is a need for a series of crisp one-liners that will emphasise the specific positives of Lisbon. I suggest: With Lisbon, Ireland controls our own wage rates – Vote Yes; Lisbon means a more Democratic Europe – Vote Yes; With Lisbon, Ireland controls our own taxation – Vote Yes; Keep Ireland’s Commissioner – Vote Yes; With Lisbon, Ireland controls our own defence policy – Vote Yes; For a Charter of Fundamental Rights – Vote Yes; With Lisbon, Ireland controls our own Right to Life policy – Vote Yes. – Yours, etc,


Acorn Road,

Dublin 16.

Madam, – “There are no grounds to justify a No vote in the Lisbon Treaty on the basis of specifically religious or ethical concerns”, according to Bishop Treanor (Home News, September 17th). With all due respect to the good Bishop’s opinion, I strongly disagree.

I also feel that it is arrogant in the extreme for him to state that there are no grounds for a No vote without consideration of the variety of possible moral or ethical grounds for such a vote.

I have several grounds. I believe the Lisbon Treaty referendum re-run is immoral and counter-democratic. I believe the Lisbon Treaty gives more power to an EU which seems hell-bent (no pun intended) on creating a military force “to fight the resource wars of the 21st century” as stated by Jacques Delors in 1992.

I believe that the increased power of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) may lead to decisions being imposed which are contrary to the sovereign decisions of the Irish people as expressed in several referenda since 1983 in relation to the right to life.

I believe that the ECJ has made, and continues to make, judgments on basic living wages which are contrary to the common good and that the EU favours its own unelected Commission over the validly elected representatives of the member states.

I believe that as an imperfectly practising Catholic, I should oppose the moralistic bullying to vote Yes which has been displayed by Fr Grace SJ and Bishop Treanor.


Consultant Psychiatrist and




Co Kildare.

Madam, – Bishop Noel Treanor has stated that: “The Lisbon Treaty does not alter the legal position of abortion in Ireland”.

Within hours of Dr Treanor’s forthright intervention, a spokeswoman for the anti-EU group Cóir issued a statement insisting that Dr Treanor was wrong and that the Lisbon Treaty would affect Ireland’s abortion laws.

It’s extraordinary to see the spectacle of a group claiming to be motivated by Catholic values effectively questioning the pro-life credentials of a Catholic bishop. Cóir and other such fringe organisations are seeking to spread misinformation among Catholics who look to their faith for inspiration when voting.

Dr Treanor is to be applauded for his forthrightness. I for one will continue to look towards the real Church for leadership. – Yours etc,


Inchicore Road,


Dublin 8.