Reforming the legal system

Sir, – You are to be complimented for bringing into the public sphere, via freedom of information requests, the highly effective retrenchment campaign of Irish lawyers (Arthur Beesley, "Legal profession waged four-year battle against reform Bill", February 12th).

Consulting the citizens involved about possible amendments to legislation before it even comes to Cabinet is surely a sign of responsive government. Perhaps you would use the same vehicle to unearth the no doubt extensive prior consultation that took place with those affected by, for example, the drastic reduction in the rate of unemployment assistance for those under 25. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – Well done on an excellent piece of investigative journalism by Arthur Beesley.

It was worrying to see the huge insider power and influence of the Law Society and the Bar Council and their easy access to government. Most shocking was that the Bar Council “was given draft amendments to the legislation before they were presented to Cabinet”. Do we live in a democratic republic or a plutocracy? – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.

Sir, – So the EU and the troika and the executive branch of government have all been told in no uncertain manner by the Bar Council and the Law Society how this country should legislate regarding our legal profession. The Irish Times has done its readers a service by revealing the grubby nature of how the "system" looks after its own. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 6.