Reforming the Seanad

Sir, – Senator David Norris (October 23rd) rightly indicates the problematic dilemma regarding preparation of an accurate register for university panel Seanad seats, once updated to include graduates from all third-level institutions.

As he mentions, the current combined register entails approximately 200,000 registered details, while there are a great number of graduates who are not registered, or registered for example at an outdated address (not untypically a residence at time of graduation; a costly discrepancy as State-funded postage is sent to such addresses).

In particular, it is disconcerting that the number of younger registered graduates is relatively low.

The registration problem with the university panel Seanad seats has severely impinged on the entire credibility of this mode of election, and this issue must be seriously tackled before the next election takes place.


Essentially, on this basis, a new registration mechanism involving automatic registration and updating using PPS numbers should be introduced in tandem with the extension of the Seanad voting franchise to all third-level graduates.



Goatstown, Dublin 14.