Refugees And Racism

Sir, - As part of a programme of events undertaken by Comhlamh, the Irish Association of Returned Development Workers, we are…

Sir, - As part of a programme of events undertaken by Comhlamh, the Irish Association of Returned Development Workers, we are currently holding a series of public debates in Cork. To date we have hosted well-attended and lively debates on the arms trade and human rights. Our aims are to raise awareness of global issues and to provide an opportunity for those with different opinions to discuss their views.

With the recent passing of the Refugee Act and the high media profile of the issue, we decided, several months ago, to hold a debate on Ireland's obligations towards refugees. Khalid Ibrahim of the Irish Association of Refugees and Nadette Foley of the Irish Refugee Council accepted the invitation to present their perspective in Cork.

We also invited a large number of public representatives and media figures to speak, to present Government policy or to expand on the current debate raging in the media. We are disappointed and astonished that we have so far failed to persuade any of them to use this forum to air their views. Given the number of people willing to vilify refugees on phone-in radio shows, it is ironic that our public figures seem to fear presenting their opinions in the presence of some of our refugee community.

We feel that, due to the seriousness of the issue, we must go ahead and give the people of Cork an opportunity to learn more of the position of refugees in Ireland and how statutory and voluntary organisations are meeting their needs. For this reason we will be holding a public meeting in the Imperial Hotel, Cork, tonight, Thursday, October 2nd, at 8 pm.


We would have much preferred, however, if all shades of opinion could have been reflected by the speakers at this meeting. - Yours, etc.,

Comhlamh, Grand Parade, Cork.