Refugees And Racism

Sir, - In recent weeks and months we have seen the refugee and asylum situation explode on to our newspapers, TV and radio

Sir, - In recent weeks and months we have seen the refugee and asylum situation explode on to our newspapers, TV and radio. With accusations of xenophobia and racism flying, I have noted various pro-refugee groups and indeed settled refugees decry the Government and our people as if we were apprentice Nazis or fascists. It has made my blood boil.

I believe there is a concerted campaign under way by unelected pressure groups and the media to achieve an over-liberal entry procedure. There is inadequate public debate on an issue that will alter fundamentally the cultural and racial balance of this country. Fear is the root cause of racism, - fear of being overrun in our own country.

The following questions must be asked: How many refugees are we to accept? Is it to be 5,000 a year or 100,000 a year? Is it to be based on our population of 3.6 million?

Who is to decided whether or not we are to have a multi-cultural society? Will the realities of such a society, not the illusion, be aired for national discussion?


In view of the fact that the population is 98 per cent white Caucasian, are our immigration authorities expected to check illegal immigration without stopping east European or African travellers? Should we allow unrestricted admission in case we hurt someone's feelings? As a regular traveller myself I have been checked more times than I care to remember, especially in the Far East where my European origins obviously made me stand out. Armed with the correct travel documents, I had no problems and certainly did not resent being asked to produce appropriate papers by the appropriate authorities.

Finally, we should and must accept a fair share of the desperate people seeking shelter and a new life on our shores, but it must be strictly controlled so that they can be assimilated into our country without fundamentally changing the character of our nation which has taken 75 years of blood, sweat and tears to build. - Yours, etc.,

Peter Monahan,

Mornington, Co Meath.