Refugees And Racism

Sir, - I am angered and saddened by the Minister for Justice's (sic) announcement that applications for political asylum will…

Sir, - I am angered and saddened by the Minister for Justice's (sic) announcement that applications for political asylum will be judged by a "fast-track" team within his Department, with no access to an independent tribunal.

The Minister's gloating announcement that mass deportations would soon begin makes the flesh creep. Half-a-century ago some of those who organised the "mass deportation" of Jewish people from Germany were tried in Nuremberg. How are we to be judged if we allow refugees to be "fast-tracked" like parcels out of Ireland and on to another EU state, whence on to the very persecution they have fled (as would be the case, for example, of a Nigerian deported to Britain)? The very words we use give the game away. - Yours, etc.,

Simon Jones,

Haroldville Avenue, Dublin 8.