
A chara, - The article by Joe Humphreys (October 24th) demonstrates a misunderstanding of the purpose of the EU Structural Funds…

A chara, - The article by Joe Humphreys (October 24th) demonstrates a misunderstanding of the purpose of the EU Structural Funds. The objectives of the funds, determined by the European Union, are to put in place economic and social infrastructures to reduce inequalities: (a) between regions and (b) within regions.

Ireland has successfully used the funds to reduce inequalities between "one-region Ireland" and other European regions. This success has not trickled down to reduce inequalities within "one region Ireland"; for example the West remains disadvantaged (GVA/capita at 64.4 per cent of EU average) relative to Dublin which is at 121.5 per cent of EU average. Within this thriving Dublin economy urban black-spots persist.

Yet the deputy general-secretary of the ICTU calls for more of the same: "We should get the maximum ... and determine ourselves how to spend it."

Fortunately, our Government appears to be willing to apply the Structural Funds to the reduction of inequalities within Ireland by emphasising the relative disadvantages on a regional basis. This approach complies with EU requirements and the objectives of the funds.


As for urban black-spots and local pockets of disadvantage within the more prosperous parts of Ireland, the European Commission has neither authority nor administration within regions and must rely on agreed national policies, part financed by the funds, to ensure equitable internal distribution. National, regional and local authority policies and administrations can ensure that "Objective One in Transition" funding is concentrated on the pockets of disadvantage and the urban black-spots which persist within the thriving Dublin economy.

In 1985 the European Commission's director-general for regional policy came to Connacht to challenge the "one-region Ireland" status and sparked the demand for regional development. The vision and courage of Dr Mathijsen will be remembered and appreciated when our Government announces "Objective One" status for the West, Border and Midland Regions. Taimid fior buioch dhuit Dr Mathijsen. - Yours, etc., Gerard McGarry,

Enterprise Connacht/Ulster, Clare St, Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo.