Sir, - While David Trimble's remarks on the Republic may indeed reflect an Ireland of the past, possibly the most destructive aspect of that society is apparent in the letter from Nuala Donnelly (March 25th).

As a second-level student, I am surprised and disturbed by her suggestion that the Catechism of the Catholic Church should once again become the basis of religious education in Irish schools. If Government-run, public-funded schools are to serve as a tool of indoctrination of one Christian Church, we may as well abandon any aspirations to religious equality and tolerance, and our indignant response to Mr Trimble would no longer be legitimate. Ms Donnelly supports her argument with vague reference to "these troubled times" and hence a universal need for Catholic moral guidance - in ignorance of the history and current reality of our "troubled" world.

For many decades the blurred distinction between the authority of Church and State in the Republic inflamed inter-community tensions on this island, and in order to reverse the segregation of Christian communities, it is essential to secularise all aspects of Government, including education, on both sides of the Border. It is very possible, I believe, and probably very desirable, to teach morality on an objective and personal basis, unrestrained by and independent of monotheistic indoctrination.


The dying concept of a Catholic state for a Catholic people cannot be allowed to survive, and those who wish to perpetuate it might consider the plight of the North's nationalist minority under Stormont majority rule.

It has been proved by recent history, especially that of Israel/Palestine, that the concept of a state based on the religion of its majority is fundamentally flawed - no matter how large that majority may be.

In order to preserve the religious liberty of the individual, monotheistic religious education must be consigned to its place in history. - Yours, etc.,




Co Cork.