Religious Press

Sir, - What is the agenda of our religious press? First, the Universe promoted a boycott of Boots

Sir, - What is the agenda of our religious press? First, the Universe promoted a boycott of Boots. Then the Church of Ireland Gazette attacked Bertie Ahern's relationship with Celia Larkin. Are we entering an era of church tabloidisation and cheap intolerance?

The Gazette asks if we remember Cecil Parkinson? Indeed we do. We also remember Parnell, Wilde, Casement and many others pursued by a hypocritical high-minded gutter press that feeds on the salacious. We also witness the voyeuristic pursuits of President Clinton's private life.

Whatever happened to the eighth commandment and the right to one's good name? Whatever happened to "Judge not and you shall not be judged"? Maybe it's a bit much to expect the church tabloids to be Christian. - Yours, etc., Larry Warren,

Kingswood Heights, Dublin 24.