Remembering Anita Reeves

Sir, – In the midst of the many well-deserved tributes to the talented Anita Reeves ("Actress Anita Reeves dies aged 67", July 7th), might I share an anecdote?

In 1965, we were both evening students at the renowned Brendan Smith Academy, and during a break in rehearsals for a student play, Anita and I sat on the backstage stone steps of the Olympia Theatre. She was a teenager who had just left school and was in her first job in the office of Kelso Laundry in Rathmines. She wondered aloud to me if she should take the bold step and embark on a full-time career in theatre.

Today, the fruits of that conversation are obvious, as Anita went on to have a stellar and much-lauded career in theatre. As for me, I also made the right choice – and stayed with the day job. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 14.