Remembering Lord Deedes

Madam, - Your piece by Kieran Fagan (August 22nd) was the most vivid of the many appreciations I have read of the memorable …

Madam, - Your piece by Kieran Fagan (August 22nd) was the most vivid of the many appreciations I have read of the memorable Lord Deedes , whose golden old age gives us all hope.

Mr Fagan recalls Deedes saying that his mother's people were solicitors in Dublin called Chenevix. In fact, she was Melesina Chenevix Trench, a great-niece of Richard Chenevix Trench, Archbishop of Dublin and friend of the poet Tennyson. Her mother was a Reeves of the solicitors' firm SS & E Reeves, that is still on the go in Dublin .

Mr Deedes (as he then was) told me how much his Irish connection meant to him when I first met him in 1979. I had a letter from him subsequently. The first words were handwritten: "Dear Lysaght". That was how things were done. - Yours, etc,

CHARLES LYSAGHT, Strand Road, Dublin 4.