Remembering Sir David Amess

Sir, – Reporting on the murder of Sir David Amess (News, October 16th), your correspondents Denis Staunton and Freya McClements wrote that Sir David "opposed abortion and voted against same-sex marriage". They went on: "But he campaigned against fuel poverty and was a champion of animal rights who opposed fox-hunting."

May I respectfully suggest that the words “He also campaigned”, instead of “But he campaigned”, would be more appropriate here. Sir David spoke up for the most vulnerable members of our society, and he extended his concern to members of the animal kingdom. It was not a matter of contrast, but one of inclusivity.

I never met Sir David, but I have been in touch in these days with some of our mutual friends, who are understandably heartbroken.

They recall a man whose combination of principle and decency set an example for many of his contemporaries. – Yours, etc,



Seanad Éireann,

Dublin 2.