Remembering the victims of violence

Sir, – Your report on the latest random knife attack by an Islamic State supporter supplies the perpetrator's name, occupation and criminal record ("Four Israelis killed by Bedouin with links to Isis", World, March 23rd). As usual with such reports, we are given no details of the innocent victims. Rabbi Moshe Kravitzky (50) was cycling when his killer drove his car over him. For the last 10 years the rabbi ran a soup kitchen for the local poor. Laura Yitzhak (43), a mother of three daughters, was on her way to meet her husband when she was stabbed in the back. She tried to fight her attacker as he stabbed her multiple times. Doris Yahbas (49) was also a mother of three. She was cut down outside a shop. By a cruel twist of fate, the paramedic who tried to save her on the street was her nephew. The fourth victim was Menahem Yehezkel (67), a bachelor, who was out for his daily walk. Four decent, law-abiding citizens who never came home. Their lives deserve mention. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 13.