Report onLeas Cross

Madam, - Your Editorial yesterday calling for the publication of Prof Des O'Neill's report into Leas Cross will be warmly welcomed…

Madam, - Your Editorial yesterday calling for the publication of Prof Des O'Neill's report into Leas Cross will be warmly welcomed by all who have the interests of nursing home residents at heart.

The voices of the 15,000 nursing home residents and their families have not been heard in this debate. Until the report is published and the public can see what went wrong at Leas Cross and what steps the HSE has taken since, public confidence in the HSE and in all nursing homes will remain shaken.

Instead of considering the option of getting a second expert to begin a completely new report, the HSE should publish Prof O'Neill's findings and tell the public what it has done to implement his recommendations. - Yours, etc,

EAMON TIMMINS, Head of Advocacy and Communications, Age Action Ireland, Dublin 2.