Respecting the Tricolour

A chara, - There is a total lack of respect and understanding of protocol regarding the use of the Tricolour

A chara, - There is a total lack of respect and understanding of protocol regarding the use of the Tricolour. The displaying of ragged, frayed flags from hotel and public house rooftops in the capital city is now a common sight. Sadly, it is also prevalent throughout the 32 counties.

The use of the Tricolour as a decoration in shopfronts, souvenir shops and by the corporate sector as a means to promote their products by placing lettering or pictures on the flag is a reflection of the society we live in. The "Who cares?" attitude has reduced the nation's flag to a symbol of commercialism and greed, not pride.

We have contacted the Government about this in the past but it would seem from the correspondences we received that the "Who cares?" attitude extends to the very top. It is worth remembering that the only national flag that flies lawfully over the 32 counties of Ireland is the Tricolour.

This association believes that schools can play a role in reaching our children the importance of the flag. Perhaps, then the Tricolour will become cherished, honoured and held by us all as our national flag. - Is mise,



National Graves

Association, Ireland,

Dublin 2.