Responding to terror

A chara, – Fintan O'Toole believes that in order to combat Isis, we need to understand what its purposes are, and acknowledge how our own history of creating terrorist organisations can help in thwarting it ("Ireland can shape debate on terrorism in Europe", Opinion & Analysis, July 19th).

Isis has declared what its aims are, which have been well documented in both word and deed – to create a global caliphate which will enslave all those within it to be submissive to their fundamentalist distortion of Sunni Islam.

As part of its nihilistic dystopia that has already been realised in parts of the Middle East, it will crucify those who are not subservient to its medieval laws, take females from religious minorities as sex slaves, behead Christians and murder members of other Muslim sects.

It does not declare its aims are a response to western aggression, does not seek any mandate other than from its God, and most importantly it maintains that its terms are non-negotiable.


How can our history be of any relevance in thwarting this? – Is mise,


Dún Laoghaire,

Co Dublin.