Sir, - It has finally happened

Sir, - It has finally happened. After the "phony" war or the botched actions (depending on your point of view), another soldier, Stephen Restorick, aged 23, has been killed.

It is important to dwell on his name. Stephen was the son of a former fitter in the RAF, dubbed by the Provos as a legitimate target. He probably understood little about the history of the Northern conflict, but it will remain a long time on my mind that he was smiling at Mrs McElroy, the ill starred driver at the checkpoint, a split second before he was murdered.

He may have seen his role as protecting us from each other. How pitiable we all are! Everyone, North and South, nationalist, unionist and other, has created the attitudinal sea in which these paramilitary piranha swim. Our failure to grapple with the basic issue of co existence on this island is the source of terrorist vitality.

Let us courageously examine the future relationship between the North and the South. Let us accept that the British have neither the understanding nor the inclination to resolve our conflict, and that they are distinctly embarrassed by the ultra loyalism of Ulster Protestants. Let us bury once and for all the puerile, romantic residue of the Irish Civil War which preaches that there can be a united Ireland without cost.


A new Ireland will have to be earned, gradually and by persuasion. We need to examine the merits of short term mutual accommodation, perhaps through a new power sharing Assembly, followed by earnest negotiation towards a federal, pluralist Ireland, in which all citizens' rights are protected and cultural diversity celebrated.

Lance Bombardier Restorick could have been your son or brother. - Yours, etc.,

Islandtasserty Road,

Coleraine BT52 2PN.