Revising speed limits

Madam, - The Minister for Transport has acknowledged that in many instances current speed limits are unrealistically low, that…

Madam, - The Minister for Transport has acknowledged that in many instances current speed limits are unrealistically low, that unrealistically low limits bring the whole system into disrepute, and that for people to respect limits they must believe they are sensible. On each of these points the Minister is absolutely correct.

In reporting his views (The Irish Times, May 6th), you also published a "preliminary list of proposed speed limit changes". They seem to me to represent improvements across the board but many more changes in limits need to be made if the Minister's objectives are to be met.

To this end I would like to suggest to the Minister that he publicise an address in his Department dedicated to receiving submissions from members of the public who wish to advocate changes in existing limits. If the public could be assured that the consensus of such representations would be acted upon speed limits across the country would gain a very worthwhile democratic legitimacy. Not only that but the citizens might also be able to highlight instances of that increasingly widespread and extraordinary practice of setting 30 m.p.h. speed limits and then erecting ramps which are incapable of being traversed with body and vehicle intact at speeds greater than 10 m.p.h. - Yours, etc.,

PAUL FEIGHERY, Torquay Road, Dublin 18.