Right, left and wrong again

Madam, - When you print Kevin Myers's contributions on the far right of the centre pages, at least we know where he is coming…

Madam, - When you print Kevin Myers's contributions on the far right of the centre pages, at least we know where he is coming from.

Likewise, we find Fintan O'Toole on the extreme left of the same spread. Doonesbury is printed on the middle left, while your own editorials, Madam, always appear slightly to the right of centre. Proper order.

To complete this convenient political lay-out, would it be too much to ask to have Mark Steyn printed in a separate perforated fold-out attached to the far right wing of the broadsheet, easily detached and discarded, so that readers like myself, of moderate sensibilities, are not exposed to unnecessary risk of high blood pressure? - Yours, etc.,

GILLIES MACBAIN, Templetuohy, Templemore, Co Tipperary.