Sir, - Recently, while walking near my home, I encountered a vehicle parked on, and completely blocking, the footpath

Sir, - Recently, while walking near my home, I encountered a vehicle parked on, and completely blocking, the footpath. I was forced to detour onto a busy roadway to circumvent this obstacle. I am certain many readers have observed a similar situation and would consider the practice of parking on a footpath a common one.

This is but one example of a cultural mindset I have observed in this country which seems to make the individual totally oblivious to the consequences of his/her actions.

Has the Irish zeal for advancing individual rights created a nation reluctant to take on individual obligations?

Commonsense should tell every person that his/her actions - no matter how trivial they seem - have an effect on others. Ignoring rules that seem frivolous or appear to do nothing but inconvenience us may have more repercussions than we can imagine.


Perhaps this is why "zero tolerance" isn't a bad idea after all, but is Ireland ready to accept the responsibility? - Yours, etc.,

Grattan Terrace,

Grogan's Road,
