Rights of cohabiting couples

Madam, - In response to your Editorial headed "Cohabiting couples" (October 24th), it is not the function of the Government …

Madam, - In response to your Editorial headed "Cohabiting couples" (October 24th), it is not the function of the Government to espouse alleged rights or proposed freedoms for individuals or groups of people that might run contrary to the welfare of this nation as a whole.

While the Government may well recognise that many forms of relationship exist in this country, its responsibility is to ensure social coherence and the safety of the nation and to legislate accordingly.

The current trend to accord same-sex couples equal status with heterosexual marriages is pulling the thread that will ultimately unravel the very fabric of our society. Not only would there be huge financial implications and injurious social upheaval, but the consequent redefinition of marriage itself would undermine the basic building-block of good governance and social responsibility, the family.

Marriage, like government itself, enjoys a privileged position in our Constitution because it serves, stabilises and regulates our society. Marriage does not function to serve the desires of individuals or couples for equality and justice before the law. It serves the cultural need for social norms as to how we channel sexual energy in socially beneficial ways.


Good government proves itself so by upholding the common good and the "traditional" heterosexual marriage is instituted and maintained solely for that purpose. - Yours, etc,




Co Meath.

Madam, - Your Editorial on cohabiting couples does an injustice by confusing the issue of heterosexual couples who choose not to marry with that of gay couples who are forbidden to marry.

The former is a question of personal preference, whereas the latter is a question of equality, of who is given the chance to participate officially in our society and who is left watching from the sidelines. - Yours, etc,


New Haven,
