Rio coverage ‘sensationalised’?

Sir, – It seems to me that newspapers should have an annual "Elephant in the Room Award" for an article that completely ignores at least one important aspect of the subject it is supposed to be addressing. And, by definition, the article that prompts this idea should be its first winner. I refer, of course, to Sonia O'Sullivan's article "Full Rio ticketing tale will only be told in time" (August 25th).

Nowhere does it even mention Pat Hickey by name and, since Sonia is a member of the Olympic Council of Ireland (OCI), in this context he was technically her boss. – Yours, etc,




Sir, – “I am at the stage where I don’t know what to believe, as this story has been sensationalised and currently there is no proof or evidence to tell the full story. That can only come with time.” I am disappointed with this somewhat watery statement from our hugely admired Irish athlete.

Sonia O’Sullivan says she was never much interested in administration, but, as she sits on the Olympic Council of Ireland, surely that is at least part of her role there?

I would have expected a stronger, more concerned and questioning approach from her, without of course remotely prejudging anything.

The whole story may have been “sensationalised”, but Pat Hickey languishing for the moment in a Rio jail is a sensational fact! – Yours, etc,


Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.

Sir, – I have the greatest admiration for Sonia O’Sullivan as an athlete, and she has always struck me as a person of the highest integrity. However, the phrases “I have never been interested in the administration” and “until the investigations have run their course I won’t know any more that what is written in the papers” are a little disturbing from a person who sat on the OCI board since about 2009.

The public is not aware of all the facts, but if existing board members are also in the dark, then “Houston, we have a problem”! – Yours, etc,

