Rising House Prices

Sir, - In response to Cllr Tony Taaffe's criticisms (November 25th) may I state that it has been, and remains, the policy of …

Sir, - In response to Cllr Tony Taaffe's criticisms (November 25th) may I state that it has been, and remains, the policy of the Irish Auctioneers and Valuers Institute to refuse to publicly comment, critically or otherwise, on the actions of individual property owners, including individual developers.

Cllr Taaffe refers very selectively to the IAVI's comments on the advice given to prospective home-buyers by the Consumers' Association. Our response praised that association for some timely advice. The IAVI itself has constantly advised buyers to budget for possible interest-rate increases.

What the IAVI did question, legitimately I believe, was the wisdom of actually advising would-be homeowners not to buy in a rising market. We queried whether the Consumers' Association would compensate individuals who may be forced to pay several thousands of pounds more for their dream home if they follow the CA's advice and prices continue to rise.

Perhaps Cllr Taaffe also wishes to stand as guarantor against this presently predictable scenario. - Yours, etc.,


Chief Executive, IAVI, Merrion Square, Dublin 2.