Road plan at Airfield

Madam, - Your Editorial of March 28th ("Heritage Protection") was clearly written by somebody well removed from the day-to-day…

Madam, - Your Editorial of March 28th ("Heritage Protection") was clearly written by somebody well removed from the day-to-day impact of traffic in the Dundrum area. Since the opening of the new Town Centre at Dundrum, the volume of traffic travelling through local residential roads has increased, putting the lives of residents, particularly children, at increased risk. Any relieving measure, such as the new proposed Dundrum/Ballaly link, is to be welcomed.

Given that the road goes around Airfield, and not through it, and will siphon off traffic which might otherwise be tempted to use local residential roads as rat-runs, it is a good, practical part-solution to the problem. It is inconceivable that such a road would damage our heritage. But, even if it did, have we now reached the stage where heritage has a higher value than children's lives? - Yours, etc.,

DAVID FITZGERALD, Knocknashee, Dublin 14.