Roads in rural areas are being neglected

Sir, – The national budget and the budgets of county councils are in the course of preparation.

Having made Co Leitrim officials aware of my concerns about the lack of proper upkeep of our rural lanes and byroads, I’m putting forward the point of view that our national Government must be put under a severe warning that the needs of rural dwellers cannot be forgotten any more.

The Government talks non-stop about the national roads network and how vital this infrastructure is for the growth of our national economy.

It conveniently forgets that the smaller roads in rural areas are generally neglected. The proper upkeep of these lesser roads is very important for our local economy.


You simply cannot live in a rural area without a motor vehicle. We must travel to get a loaf of bread, to get to church and school, to visit a doctor and get to a wide range of far-away services.

Like those fortunate enough to live along well-kept national roads, we pay significant road taxes on our motors, and yet they suffer damage due to large potholes on our minor roads.

The Government must be forced to take our needs into consideration. I look forward to all public representatives joining me in my call for substantial extra budget provision for the upkeep of what are termed lesser, non-national roads. – Yours, etc,


Dromod, Co Leitrim.