Role of Independent TDs

Sir, – As a member of the Regional Group of independents, I take exception to the tenor of an article by Kathy Sheridan ("Independent TDs need to wake up to the reality of running the country", Opinion & Analysis, April 22nd) regarding our positioning with respect to framing a programme for government! As a new TD for Waterford, a member of the Regional Group, and someone who has experience within the SME sector, which supports 70 per cent of jobs in this country, I support our group's call for accelerated impetus into developing a programme for government and a new administration.

The challenges facing our country, our people and our political leadership are immense. But the status of being non-party TDs does not preclude us from some understanding of the social, fiscal, economic and political challenges that lie ahead. We too, despite obvious journalistic reservations, can comprehend a financial statement, we can consider possible mitigation policies, and can interrogate to a fair degree future strategic planning, if transparently offered and engaged on! We are available to such purpose – that others decide to slow-walk such a process is not within our gift to accelerate!

Perhaps critical media analysis of all the political parties’ motivations and posturing would serve the public understanding and political narrative to a far greater degree? To ignore the present positioning of Independents is to ignore that political change is on offer, if we are respected and included.



Leinster House,

Dublin 2.