Roscommon – a ‘man place’

Sir, – Keith Duggan writes about Roscommon GAA's concerns regarding the proposed "land grab" by Westmeath ("Roscommon GAA circling the wagons in the face of perceived 'land grab' threat", January 16th).

The people are understandably worried, but Alan Kelly’s local government proposal threatens much more than sporting or cultural organisations.

I had the privilege of living and working in the South Pacific archipelago of Vanuatu for eight years where the concept of “man place” expresses pride in local as distinct from national identity. It acknowledges the fact that where you come from is part of your identity forever.

We are Rossies. Interference with our boundary threatens the local identity both of those living inside the area of interest and those of us living outside it. For the former, if Roscommon is your “man place” it is impossible for Westmeath ever to take its place; for the latter, the loss of this thriving part of our county would be traumatic and such a change would be a wound that would never heal.


The South Sea Islanders feel spiritually, emotionally and physically connected to their “man place”. It would be unthinkable in that culture that any politician could interfere in such a manner, and so it should be here. With apologies to South Pacific pidgin, “Me man place. Me man Rossie”. – Yours, etc,



Co Roscommon.