Routing the Luas through TCD

A chara, - There is much talk of the linking-up of the two new Luas lines through Dublin city centre

A chara, - There is much talk of the linking-up of the two new Luas lines through Dublin city centre. The obvious solution is for Trinity College to let the Luas through its grounds at Nassau Street.

The Luas could then proceed up Tara Street and across Butt Bridge to link up with the Red Line in Abbey Street.

This solution would be cheap, and would open up the vista and atmosphere of Trinity College to the ordinary people of Dublin.

The students and staff would have to put up with some little disruption, but the sacrifice of their cloistered peace would be much appreciated by the rest of us. - Yours, etc.,


MUREDACH DOHERTY, Lower Beechwood Avenue, Dublin 6.