RTÉ’s children’s unit and outsourcing

A chara, – There was a touch of irony in watching RTÉ's flagship Late Late toy show, given that in future, it could be the sole in-house production made by the station with children in mind.

RTÉ’s recent decision to outsource children’s production to the independent sector renders that notion possible.

While this decision was welcomed by some independent private companies that may benefit commercially from it, it altogether avoids RTÉ’s responsibility in relation to its public service role. Independent companies as commercial entities have no long-term responsibility in relation to children’s programming and its development in the way RTÉ clearly has.

RTÉ’s charter notes that it commits to “recognise the special needs of children as part of the audience”. However, for the 21 per cent of the population aged under the age of 15, it seems RTÉ is happy to fulfil an administrative rather than creative role in programme creation and development. – Yours, etc,



Dundrum, Co Tipperary.