RTÉ's problem with Tyrone

Madam, - Your obituary of Seán Kilfeather (August 20th) referred to his sister, Bridget Kilfeather, who was in charge of pronunciation…

Madam, - Your obituary of Seán Kilfeather (August 20th) referred to his sister, Bridget Kilfeather, who was in charge of pronunciation at RTÉ for many years past. I am sure that the late Ms Kilfeather would admire the consistently correct pronunciation of "Tyrone" by the broadcasters of BBC Northern Ireland.

They pronounce the name of that county of game footballers as its natives do - as a very close approximation to the Gaelic "Tír Eoghain".

These days however, our erstwhile national broadcaster RTÉ seems to take its pronunciation cues for Irish counties from the cast of Coronation Street. Pat Spillane, who often gives the impression that he would get a nosebleed if he ever ventured north of Nobber, is a frequent though not sole offender.

Every time I hear him mispronounce Tyrone, I groan. - Yours, etc,



Na Forbacha,

An Spidéal,

Co na Gaillimhe.