Rugby in the Liberties

A chara, – As a retired principal of a school categorised as disadvantaged, I was heartened and cheered by Mark Hilliard's article "Rugby growing in popularity in inner-city Liberties" (January 11th).

This is a departure that I never thought possible. Having tried with no success to get coaching from the IRFU for the children in my care in north Clondalkin, it is hugely gratifying to see the oval ball now being played by inner-city children.

Only for the intervention of a rugby league, as distinct from a rugby union, coach in my school, we would never have had a chance to play any form of the sport.

In Wales and indeed Munster, where the plasterer can line up alongside the doctor on the playing field, we see the benefits of inclusion rather than exclusion in rugby. I hope this initiative will bring new talent to Irish rugby, and that we see an Anto and a Tommo playing alongside the Oisins and Fiachras. – Is mise,




Co Wexford.