Rugby: Schmidt’s is the man for the job

Sir, – John Naughton (Letters, October 26th) describes Irish rugby under Joe Schmidt as turgid and attritional.

Since the advent of professionalism all rugby has become increasingly attritional as players become much faster, bulkier and stronger and opposing defences become better organised. Attrition is thus unavoidable and any Irish team unwilling to compete physically cannot hope to be successful.

Mr Schmidt’s record as a rugby coach is unequalled in the history of the game here.

Successes in the Heineken Cup with Leinster were followed with back-to-back Six Nations Championships with Schmidt at the helm. Last summer Ireland beat South Africa away for the first time and were unlucky not to beat the All Blacks when the teams last met. Given his record his reappointment as national coach is logical and most welcome.


True Pat Lam’s Connacht play thrilling and winning rugby. But international competition is a step up from Pro12 and European Champions Cup. So why change a winning coach? Mr Lam’s turn will come.

– Yours, etc,


