Russia should not be blamed

Sir, – I refer to the articles called "Russian attacks lead to new wave of refugees from Syria", bySuzanne Lynch and "Rise in violence in Syria displaces tens of thousands", by Maher Samaan and Kareem Fahim, October 28th).

I am under the impression that the authors were lethargic during the course of the year and woke up only in early October since Russia began its air strikes against IS and other terrorists at the request of the Syrian government and in full compliance with international law.

Apparently, the authors have forgotten that the war in Syria has been going on for more than four years and that it is the western coalition headed by the US which has been bombing this country in the course of the current year without sanction of the UN Security Council or the request from Damascus.

Concerning the wave of refugees from different states, for instance Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, that is overflowing Europe, I would like to emphasise that this massive exodus had started long before Russia joined the anti-terrorist operation in Syria.


In my opinion instead of blaming Russia without any clear evidence, it would be better to think how all those, who want to put an end to the terrorist threat in the Middle East, could join their efforts and help Syrians to determine their future by political means independently.

Feasible and reasonable suggestions in this regard are plentiful.

– Yours, etc,


Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Ireland,

Russian Embassy,

Orwell Road,

Dublin 14.