Ryanair and compensation

Madam, - Ryanair's Michael O'Leary is demanding compensation from the British taxpayer because over the top security measures…

Madam, - Ryanair's Michael O'Leary is demanding compensation from the British taxpayer because over the top security measures delayed flights and resulted in cancellations, causing him much inconvenience. The buccaneering champion of private enterprise would also welcome a government subsidy for security measures.

The same no-nonsense Ryanair boss said of those who missed flights due to family tragedy, or failure to meet Ryanair's over the top identification rules: "We don't fall all over ourselves if they say my granny fell ill. What part of no refund don't you understand? You are not getting a refund so f... off." [Reported in Financial Times, June 21st, 2003]. If Ryanair succeeds it will be a case of money talks, passenger walks. - Yours, etc,

Dublin 7.