Ryanair bid for Aer Lingus

Madam, - Dr Bill Tormey (October 11th) pronounces that a takeover of Aer Lingus by Ryanair will damage social cohesion, especially…

Madam, - Dr Bill Tormey (October 11th) pronounces that a takeover of Aer Lingus by Ryanair will damage social cohesion, especially in North Dublin. He seems to have overlooked the fact that the role of an airline is to transport its customers from A to B safely, efficiently and cost-effectively. It is not its role to provide social cohesion - in North Dublin or anywhere else.

It is precisely this type of guff that has led some people to believe that Aer Lingus (along with Dublin Airport, the ESB, Dublin Bus et al.) is in fact some kind of glorified social and employment centre that exists to serve the interests, not of those who use it and pay for it, but of those who operate it, and live nearby. - Yours, etc,

DAVID FITZGERALD, Knocknashee, Dublin 14.