Safety Of School Buses

Sir, - Zara Brady of Rinnaknock, Co Galway (August 19th) questioned the safety of school buses

Sir, - Zara Brady of Rinnaknock, Co Galway (August 19th) questioned the safety of school buses. I would like to take the opportunity to reassure parents of children who avail of the school transport scheme operated by Bus Eireann on behalf of the Department of Education and Science that the safety of pupils is our primary consideration and takes precedence over all other aspects of the operation.

Our buses are subject to rigorous inspection and maintenance procedures and are covered by current certificates of roadworthiness; all our drivers are properly licensed.

In the case of contractors whom we employ to operate services on our behalf, we require sight of complete and current documentation for both buses and drivers before contracts are signed. For buses this includes a public service vehicle licence (or section 60 Permit where applicable), certificate of roadworthiness, certificate of insurance and tax disc. Drivers must have a valid driving licence for the class of vehicle to be driven and all contractors must also produce a tax clearance certificate.

In addition, we monitor services during the school year through a team of mobile inspectors who are committed to ensuring the safety of pupils travelling on school buses. - Yours, etc., Cyril McIntyre,


Manager, Media and Public Relations, Bus Eireann, Dublin 7.