Sale of the Burlington

Madam, - With regard to the proposed sale of the Burlington Hotel, I notice that auctioneers are advertising it as having development…

Madam, - With regard to the proposed sale of the Burlington Hotel, I notice that auctioneers are advertising it as having development potential.

I am aware that the Dublin 4 location of this site would make it quite valuable to sell for development purposes. However, I believe that Dublin City Council has a responsibility to the people of Ireland to keep this site dedicated to hotel use to supply badly needed beds in this central Dublin location.

I note also that in the past 20 years, many hotels were built under the Business Expansion Scheme as supported by the taxpayer. The Burlington Hotel was also supported by Bord Fáilte and various grants, again paid for by the taxpayer. - Yours, etc,

BERNARD BRODERICK, Rathgar, Dublin 6.