Salute To The President

Sir, - On the occasion of her departure from office we wish to express our appreciation of President Robinson

Sir, - On the occasion of her departure from office we wish to express our appreciation of President Robinson. We remember that when she unveiled the James Connolly Memorial on May 12th last year, she greeted us in her speech with the following words:

"Present here - and I see them here in front of me - are a number of veterans representing some 200 who took part in the Irish International Brigade Connolly Column; who fought, inspired by Connolly, in the Spanish AntiFascist War in 1937 and 1938."

We also remember that when she afterwards came over to greet the four of us individually, her parting words to the Connolly Column brigadistas were: "You did yourselves proud!" We treasure that salute and we wish her success in her new responsibilities.

Salud y suerte! Slainte is go neir i an t-adh lei! - Yours, etc., BOB DOYLE, MAURICE LEVITAS, PETER O'CONNOR, MICHAEL O'RIORDAN, (Veterans of the International Brigade),


James Connolly House,

Dublin 2.