Same-sex marriage

Madam, - The issue of children seems to be raised constantly by those who are opposed to same-sex marriage

Madam, - The issue of children seems to be raised constantly by those who are opposed to same-sex marriage. I refer you to a letter from Susan Philips which appeared on December 20th. The author is misinformed to assume that marriage necessarily leads to the production of children. Many married couples do not have children; does that therefore make these marriages somewhat lesser than those that do?

Ms Philips also claimed that children cannot be founded on a same-sex union. Incorrect. There are numerous same-sex unions having children around the world and even in this country there are children with same-sex parents. Recently this paper printed an insightful article aptly stating that loving and supportive environments are best for raising children regardless of the parents' sexuality. Perhaps Ms Philips and her followers would be much enlightened by reading this. - Yours, etc,