Sanctions against Iraq

Sir, - The report by Niall Andrews MEP (June 6th) on the hardships caused to the Iraqi people by UN sanctions is very disturbing…

Sir, - The report by Niall Andrews MEP (June 6th) on the hardships caused to the Iraqi people by UN sanctions is very disturbing. It is difficult to imagine how a world order based on humanitarian considerations can look with indifference on the effects of sanctions on the innocent children of Iraq. His stated intention to make this injustice a major issue with the European Commission is both positive and praiseworthy.

In contrast, the feeble mewling recently by the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs on banking policy is a poor response to the hardship and inconvenience resulting from the closure of banks in Irish rural towns and villages. Democracy should be more than a form of government. Should not the banks be managed in the public interest - not just for profit, making the effects of their actions refer to others? Might not the banks' decisions be evaluated by another body - for example, an Oireachtas committee? - Yours, etc.

John F. Fallon, Boyle, Co Roscommon.