Sauce For The Goose?

Sir, - In his Irishman's Diary of September 11th, Kevin Myers refers four times to our former president, Mary Robinson, as "Robbo…

Sir, - In his Irishman's Diary of September 11th, Kevin Myers refers four times to our former president, Mary Robinson, as "Robbo". In his column of September 16th, he says that Prof Brendan Bradshaw "referred to me by my surname alone, a deliberate discourtesy I had not shown him."

One sees at once the lese majeste of using Mr Myers's name without the honorific. Might one venture to suggest, however, that the use of a corruption of a former President's surname, while not, of course, as grave as Prof Bradshaw's lapse, might be regarded by some people as not being, well, courteous. - Yours, etc., (Miss) Mairead Wilson,

Brighton Square,



Dublin 6.