Save Tara

Sir, - I was very perturbed listening to the Morning Ireland earlier this month

Sir, - I was very perturbed listening to the Morning Ireland earlier this month. A representative of the Irish construction industry spoke about the wilful stubbornness of woolly-headed tree-huggers who want to stop "progress" (i.e. road building etc.) and transport us all back to the ass and cart era of ould Ireland.

He implied that anyone who objected to the building of motorways, power plants, sewage plants etc. were, at best, misguided and, at worst, bent on the caging and confinement of the Celtic Tiger.

I have never hugged a tree but I feel it shows a sophisticated side to our nation if we can preserve and protect such important sites as the Hill of Tara for future generations rather than carve a motorway through it as is currently proposed. Surely, there are other ways to placate the great god "progress". - Yours, etc.,

Susan Brennan, PRO, STAD (Save Tara and District), Kilmessan, Co Meath.