Schooling And Boredom

Sir, - Most secondary school students will tell you that school is boring

Sir, - Most secondary school students will tell you that school is boring. As I begin my 23rd year of teaching in a secondary school, I admit that I feel the system fails the vast majority of our children.

First-years will soon arrive, fresh-faced, enthusiastic and ready to learn. What is offered to them is dull and unimaginative. Six years of sitting in a crowded classroom, wearing archaic uniforms, speaking only when spoken to. A long-haul flight has more diversion.

What about initiative, creativity and individuality? Most students who show any of the above are labelled as "troublesome". The system rewards those who can regurgitate facts in an exam. And the prize for getting the magic points - a place in college - is awarded to a small percentage.

We need to recognise talents other than the ability to retain information. It's time to treat all our students equally. Schools must present a balance between academic and other equally valuable skills and find a way to develop and acknowledge all.


Teenagers have a lot to offer if they are given the space and respect that they deserve. There are no failures - but there are a lot of frustrated teenagers who turn to unsafe activities because they are labelled as such.

I have the greatest respect for my colleagues who work within this archaic system and I am too aware of the stresses of trying to get the best exam results for students.

It's a bad system but it can be changed. We owe it to our children. - Yours, etc.,

Sheila Ryan, Riverview, Ardnore, Kilkenny.