Scope for satire

Madam, - In recent days two Prime Time reports on RTÉ have restored my faith in the state of investigative journalism in Ireland…

Madam, - In recent days two Prime Time reports on RTÉ have restored my faith in the state of investigative journalism in Ireland.

The programme's staff deserve great credit for pursuing topics that are neither attractive nor compelling in themselves - the blatant unfairness of the planning process around the country and the privileged position of the bloodstock industry. Their reports highlighted a shocking level of arrogance and incompetence on the part of State authorities, yet I've heard hardly a peep since they were broadcast.

In the natural course of events, it would now be up to the satirists to take over. Nothing riles the powerful and privileged more than public laughter at their expense. But for all her home-grown literary prowess, Ireland is not a place for topical political satire. And more's the pity. For certain public figures and authorities need to be treated with the same derisive disrespect they have shown the Irish people. - Yours, etc.,

STEVE CORONELLA, Shankill, Co Dublin.