'Scruffy' state of the countryside

Madam, - My family have visited Ireland for forty five years

Madam, - My family have visited Ireland for forty five years. Many of our English friends have also visited; they all enjoyed Dublin and the magnificent Irish scenery. The pubs and the friendliness of the people, evident in Dublin as much as in the West, were greatly appreciated. However, some have commented on the many "scruffy farms" with unkempt stone walls covered in brambles, overgrown hedges, neglected trees and fields full of ragweed, rushes and thistles.

As an Irishman it embarrasses me that England, with a population of 50 million and and where over 36 per cent of farmers are tenants, has much unspoilt countryside. Ninety-nine per cent of farms are well maintained and there is none of Ireland's urban sprawl out of every village and town.

We are glad to see Ireland prosper and develop but our beautiful countryside and scenic areas must be protected from the rash of holiday cottages and "retirement" homes.

- Yours, etc,


Dr PATRICK RING, Southsea, Hampshire, England.