Sculptors' society

Sir, - Eamonn O'Doherty's reference (August 25th) to the Sculptors' Society of Ireland as "a chastened creature of the Arts Council…

Sir, - Eamonn O'Doherty's reference (August 25th) to the Sculptors' Society of Ireland as "a chastened creature of the Arts Council", "living out a reduced existence", is simply not a fair or accurate description of our organisation.

As the national organisation charged with development, the SSI continues to be a strong and proactive organisation with a national and international profile. With a 32-county representation and a members' body of over 450 artists, the SSI is the primary point of reference for sculptors and those interested in sculpture. It provides a comprehensive range of support services to both emerging and established sculptors, produces a bi-monthly publication and a wide and diverse range of contemporary art events.

The Arts Council and the SSI have established a healthy working relationship and through a substantial and continued increase in both capital and revenue funding, it has been possible to upgrade existing facilities while continuing to deliver a dynamic and encompassing programme.

The SSI welcomes any increase in funding that goes directly to improve conditions of artists through organisations such as the National Sculpture Factory and others, which provide excellent facilities and workshop space for professional sculptors and progressive initiatives for the sculptural sector.


Despite the loss of the Smithfield premises a number of years ago, the S.S.I has continued its programme of activities unabated. We are currently identifying potential locations for an expanded resource facility and look forward to a dynamic and creative future.

It should be noted that Eamon O'Doherty's views in no way represent those of the current management or board. - Yours, etc.,

Niall O'Neill, Chair, Kerry McCall, Director, Sculptors' Society of Ireland, Capel Street, Dublin 1.