Seanad move to National Museum

Sir, – Seanad Éireann has advanced plans to take the educational facility and other spaces in the National Museum of Ireland in Kildare Street for at least two years while building works are ongoing.

The archaeological branch of the Unite union supports our colleagues in the museum, academia and our wider profession and calls on the Seanad to abandon these plans and use one of the well-equipped debating chambers available within a short distance of Leinster House.

The National Museum is one of the most popular and free tourist attractions in the city and plays a vital national role in allowing people to discover the identities of people on our island in the past.

The proposed taking of space within the upper wing will mean that the already vastly under-resourced museum has no open space for schools, conferences or talks. The provision of a lift to allow access is being touted as a great benefit for the museum in the future.


Should a lift for people with mobility difficulties, in one of our most important cultural institutions, only be provided because Senators need to be relocated?

Unite supports our archaeological colleagues and calls on our Senators to demand an alternative venue.

– Yours, etc,



Middle Abbey Street,

Dublin 1.