Seanad representation

Sir, – Pamela Duncan's article showing the spread of Seanad voters worldwide highlights the irrelevance and unaffordability of the Seanad in this recently bankrupt country ("Seanad voters are registered in 100 countries", July 15th).

Despite the fact that we have too many politicians relative to our population, both media and academia conducted a very effective campaign against the abolition of the Seanad in the recent referendum. They did the ordinary people of this over-borrowed country a disservice by succeeding in maintaining the Seanad as an expensive talking shop for the insider elite and their cronies.

Among the ludicrous “reforms” being put forward for the Seanad is one that gives all citizens of the State and Northern Ireland and all Irish passport holders worldwide a right to directly elect senators.

We already have a directly elected Dáil. We do not need another one, especially one with a large, non-taxable electorate. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 13.