Sectarianism in a Dublin pub

Madam, - I'm writing to express my surprise and disgust at the sectarian activities of one of Dublin's most recognised pubs

Madam, - I'm writing to express my surprise and disgust at the sectarian activities of one of Dublin's most recognised pubs. Having just moved from the North recently, I was entertaining a few friends who had come down to visit.

Taking the advice of a work colleague we went to Quinn's pub, Drumcondra, where the night progressed well and without incident. This was soon changed by a song played by the DJ, whose chorus repeated the phrase "Ooh, aah, up the 'Ra".

Not only was I surprised by this, but I was also particularly embarrassed, since I'd spent a considerable part of the night convincing my friends that the sectarianism frequently displayed in the North was virtually non-existent in Dublin.

Considering the possibility that the song was being played without the knowledge of the management, I asked to speak to the manager.


He stated that he was aware that it was being played, and claimed that it was a popular song.

Such attitudes don't sit well with the image of a culturally tolerant and cosmopolitan city, and while I may expect such bigotry and sectarianism to be evident in some parts of Belfast, I certainly didn't expect it in Drumcondra.

Needless to say neither my friends nor I will be back to Quinn's. - Yours, etc.,

P. THOMPSON, Drumcondra, Dublin 9.